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Camera Messages

The Messaging and Messaging 2 dialogs allow defining two different sets of messaging paths to be used when different alarms occur.

In this dialog, you set up the camera to only send an e-mail when the video motion sensor detects a movement, but not when the PIR sensor reports an event, for example. See also: Example for Using Event Control.


General Settings

The Message Profile

Option Description
Enable Message Profile

Using this option, you can (temporarily) deactivate the entire message profile. If a message profile is deactivated, your modifications remain saved.

Time Table Profile

In order to activate the messages defined in this dialog in a time-controlled manner, you need to select a Time Table Profile. Make sure the message profile is set to Enable.

Messaging Dead Time No further message will be started during the time set in this parameter.
Event Selection

You can restrict the number of events upon which the camera should start a new message by highlighting only the desired events in the list. If this is the case, the messages described hereafter are performed for the highlighted events only.

Note: This selection does not affect image recording in the camera's internal image storage or on a file server.

Message Description

Second File Transfer (FT2)

(only in Messaging 2!)

The Messaging 2 dialog allows setting a second FTP transmission. Select one of the profiles that you have created in the FTP Profiles dialog.

The Actions dialog allows setting another FTP transmission (FT).

Sound on Event (SD)/(SD2)

In case of an alarm, the camera can play an audio file. Set the parameters for Play List and order in which the files are played.

Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.

Open the Manage Audio Messages dialog in order to create or delete your own voice messages or to select one of the pre-recorded audio files.

For additional information on this option, see the Manage Audio Messages help page.

E-mail Action (EM)/(EM2)

In case of an alarm, the camera can send notifications via e-mail.

Create at least one profile in the E-Mail Profiles dialog so you can select it here.

Select event image to attach the event image to the e-mail. Selecting profile (you only will be able to do so if you have clicked on More before) will use the settings defined in the e-mail profile.

For additional information on this option, see the E-Mail Profiles help page.

Phone Call-Out (CL)/(CL2) In case of an alarm, the camera can send voice messages via telephone.

You can select any profile as a destination that you have defined in the Phone Profiles dialog.

Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.

To create a phone profile do the following:

A list with all available profiles is displayed.

For additional information on this option, see the Manage Audio Messages and Phone Profiles help pages.

IP Notify (IP)/(IP2)

In case of an alarm, the camera can send a network message to another computer's TCP port.

Select one of the profiles that you have created in the IP Notify Profiles dialog.

Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.

For additional information on this option, see the IP Notify Profiles help page.

See also: Example for Using Event Control

Konfiguration sichern

Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.

Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.

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