Inhaltsverzeichnis   MOBOTIX Online-Hilfe

Event Filter

The Event Filter dialog contains all filters available for influencing the occurrence of events.

General Settings

Event Dead Time

The Event Dead Time prevents new events from triggering after an event has been detected.

Event Filter

The Event Counter

The Event Counter (EC) prevents events from being triggered immediately. It only triggers an event if a certain number of events within a defined period of time has been exceeded/reached or not reached, respectively.

Each image will increase the event counter by one, even if multiple event sensors are active at the time.

The event counter can be used, for example, for monitoring a conveyor belt in a production scenario. If fewer events occur than expected during the defined period of time, a malfunction is recognized and the camera triggers an alarm.

Also, the event counter is necessary to avoid false alarms of the video motion (VM). Due to the event counter, an event is only triggered when events occur e.g. for as long as two to five seconds. This way, you can make sure that the object is really moving.

Parameter Description
Event Counter Enable

If the event counter is enabled, this event will trigger alarms. The event counter counts all events selected in the Event Selection box.

Individual Events controls if only the event counter is allowed to trigger actions or if individual events may also trigger actions.

Events to Count In the Event Selection list select the events to be counted. Hold the [Ctrl] key pressed to select more than one event.
Individual Events

Specify, whether you want the counted individual events to be saved or deleted. Saved events can continue to initiate actions or messages:

  • ignore events: Actions are only triggered by the event counter.
  • use events: Actions are triggered by the event counter and by individual events that have been selected in the Event Selection box.
Counting Period Define the period of time in which the events are to be counted.
Values: 1 .. 3600 seconds
Event Count Enter the number of expected events.
Values: 1 .. 3600
Condition Define the condition to trigger an event:
More/equal An event is triggered if the expected number of events has been reached or exceeded.
less An event is triggered if the expected number of events has not been reached.
Start Action Define how often the event is to be triggered:
First The event is triggered only once, i.e. when the condition is first detected.
Every The event is triggered every time as long as the condition is true.

Konfiguration sichern

Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.

Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.

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